Garden Chemical



Always read the instructions and take care when using and disposing of chemicals.


Check if environmentally-friendly alternatives are available to replace chemicals you have been using in the garden. Before you purchase a product, read the label and look for biodegradable and recycle symbols.


Consider learning about companion planting and organics as a way of reducing the need for garden chemicals.


If you have leftover garden chemicals, give to a family member, neighbour or friend rather than dispose of partially empty containers.


Check if the manufacturer has a take-back scheme. Containers should be triple-rinsed before recycling.


The Whanganui Resource Recovery Centre in conjunction with the Whanganui District Council holds four hazardous waste collections per year. The next date will be advised soon. Qualified Safety Officers able to identify hazardous waste will be in attendance. (Pre-booking is required.) 

See hazardous waste